
大腸直腸外科 / 賴煌仁




  • 大腸直腸癌

  • 大腸直腸息肉

  • 大腸憩室症

  • 大腸無力症

  • 大腸激躁症

  • 大腸發炎性疾病

  • 直腸膨出症、直腸脫垂

  • 微創腹腔鏡大腸直腸手術

  • 痔瘡

  • 潛毛症

  • 嚴重便秘

  • 肛門癌

  • 肛門失禁

  • 肛門外傷

  • 肛門狹窄

  • 人工肛門

  • 肛裂或出血

  • 各類肛門手術

  • 下消化道出血

  • 急慢性腹痛等疾病之診斷與治療



















  • 1. Chen YH, Lai HJ. Acute hemorrhagic colitis after oral administration of oseltamivir for influenza. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Jun;77(6):976

  • 2. Chen YH, Kang JC, Lai HJ. Rectal Villous Adenoma with McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome – A rare Case Report. Viszeralmedizin 2013;29:55-58

  • 3. Wu CC, Kang JC, Lai HJ, Chen HT, Lee MC, Huang YM. Decision making in the Management of Obscure-Overt Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Emergency Settings. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2012; 23(3):83-91

  • 4. Chang NY, Lai HJ, Wu JS, Kang JC. Laparoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Iatrogenic Colonoscopic Perforation. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2011; 22:128-132

  • 5. Kang JC, Shieh YS, Lai HJ, Chang YJ. Clinical Significance of Tumor Cell-lined Vessel in Colorectal Cancer: Correlation with Tissue-Infiltrated Macrophage and Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 alpha Expression. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2009; 20:79-

  • 6. Hsiao K. CW, Jao SW, Wu CC, Lee TY, Lai HJ, Kang JC. Hand-assisted laparoscopic total colectomy for slow transit constipation. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Apr;23(4):419-24

  • 7. Chen CW, Jao SW, Wu C-C, Lee TY, Feng CC, Lai HJ, Hsiao K. CW. Comparison of Surgical Results of Hemorrhoidectomy under Intravenous General Anesthesia and Heavy Sedation. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2008; 19(2):33-40

  • 8. Lai HJ, Jao SW, Su CC, Lee MC, Kang JC. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy versus conventional excision hemorrhoidectomy for acute hemorrhoidal crisis. J Gastrointest Surg 2007; 11:1654–166

  • 9. Chen CW, Wu CC, Hsiao CW, Lai HJ, Lee TY, Jao SW. Evaluation of Clinical Parameters Influencing Surgical Mortality and the Reversal of Hartmann's Procedure. Chir Gastroenterol 2008;24:234-238

  • 10. Lai HJ, Jao SW, Lee TY, Ou JJ, Kang JC. Heterotopic mesenteric ossification after total colectomy for bleeding diverticulosis of the colon- a rare case report. J Formos Med Assoc 2007; 106(2): S32-S36

  • 11. Ou JJ, Jao SW, Kang JC, Lai HJ, Hsiao CW. Anorectal adenocarcinoma after pull-through procedure for imperforate anus. J Med Sci 2007;27(3):137-140

  • 12. Huang TW, Ou JJ, Lai HJ, Tsai WC, Jao SW, Chao PC. Cervical spine metastasis as a primary manifestation of occult colorectal carcinoma: case report. Chir Gastroenterol 2006; 22:58-60

  • 13. Lai HJ, Yu JC, Liu YC, Shih ML, Hsieh CB. Anterior approach for a symptomatic giant hepatic haemangioma (>30 cetimetre). ANZ J Surg 2006; 76: 863-865

  • 14. Lai HJ, Hsiao CW, Kang JC, Chao PC, Wan CC, Jao SW. Emergency hemorrhoidectomy for treating acute hemorrhoidal crisis: A single institute experience. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2006; 17:87-94

  • 15. Huang TW, Chao PC, Ou JJ, Lai HJ, Tsai WC, Jao SW. Cervical spine metastases secondary to colorectal carcinoma: the role of MR imaging and treatment strategy. J Med Sci 2006;26(6):215-218

  • 16. Chen CW, Jao SW, Lai HJ, Chiu YC, Kang JC. Isolated rectal diverticulum complicating with rectal prolapse and outlet obstruction: case report. World J Gastroenterol 2005;11(48):7697-7699

  • 17. Lai HJ, Chen SG, Jao SW, Kang JC. Reconstruction of a major paracolostomy defect using a rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2005; 16:101-105

  • 18. Lee TY, Ou JJ, Lai HJ, Hsiao CW, Lee CC, Chao PC, Jao SW, Kang JC. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery for colorectal adenocarcinoma. J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon (Taiwan) 2005; 16:23-27